A downloadable game

What is this?

A game made by Peter Mackay in 2024 for AmiGameJam 2024

It's a turn-based strategy game, with mechanics somewhat like a simplified Advance Wars.

System requirements

Should run on all Amigas A500 and better.

If you have a fancy CPU and find that the game won’t recognise mouse clicks, try disabling CPU caches.

If you're on PC, Mac or Linux, you can play using an Amiga emulator, such as WinUAE or FS-UAE.

How to play

This game is controlled by mouse only.


The campaign map shows your progress through the game. The campaign consists of a series of "missions."


An army ("force") is made up of units of various types, such as infantry and mechanised infantry.

Each unit can move once per turn.

First, select a unit to move using the left mouse button. Then, choose where to move to. A menu will appear offering the next available action for the unit.

If after you move your unit, it is adjacent to an enemy unit, you can attack the enemy unit. This is called an "encounter."  Select the unit to attack using the left mouse button. The view will change to the encounter view.

First, the attacking unit will attack the defending unit. Then, if the defending unit is not destroyed, it will counter-attack.

Once you have moved all your units, end your turn, and the enemy force's turn will begin.

Click on an empty tile, and choose "End" to end your turn.

If all of a force's units are destroyed, then that force loses the mission, and the game returns to the campaign map.

Unit types

Each unit type has a different strength of attack against each other unit type. It's not always wise to attack.

Units of different types have varying ranges of movement.


The terrain affects not only the movement speed of a unit, but also the defence of a unit during an encounter.

For example, mountains impede movement for most units, but offer good cover. Roads offer no cover, but they can be used for quicker traversal of the map, or hasty retreats.

Units cannot travel through seas.



north-and-south-wars-dev.zip 72 kB
Version 6 94 days ago

Install instructions

Run .adf file in your Amiga emulator of choice


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Great game, thank you.

Hi ! Good work, thank you :)

A North & South-inspired Famicom Wars clone? HELL YES!

Good game. I also included it in my new video along with other recently released Amiga games. Good luck at Gamejam!

Thank you so much!

Nice game!

Thank you!